Polish Journal of Agronomy https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja <p><strong>Polish Journal of Agronomy (PJA) </strong>jest recenzowanym czasopismem naukowym, obejmującym tematykę szeroko rozumianej produkcji roślinnej i rolniczych zagadnień środowiskowych. Publikowane są w nim recenzowane oryginalne prace naukowe, artykuły przeglądowe i komunikaty naukowe z zakresu: <br />– agrotechniki (uprawa, nawożenie, ochrona roślin, hodowla, mechanizacja); <br />– nauk przyrodniczych związanych z rolnictwem (mikrobiologia, gleboznawstwo, biochemia, fizjologia roślin, genetyka, ekologia/ochrona środowiska);<br />– ekonomiki produkcji roślinnej;<br />– zarządzania rolniczą przestrzenią produkcyjną.<br /><br /><strong>Celem PJA</strong> jest upowszechnianie osiągnięć nauki poprzez publikację wyników prac naukowych prowadzonych w instytutach badawczych, na uczelniach, w ośrodkach doradztwa rolniczego i innych instytucjach związanych z rolnictwem. <strong>Obecnie, w ramach promocji czasopisma, autorzy nie ponoszą żadnych kosztów związanych z publikacją artykułów w PJA. Dodatkowym ułatwieniem jest maksymalne uproszczenie przygotowania manuskryptów pod względem technicznym. Wszystkie artykuły opublikowane w PJA są udostępniane czytelnikom bez ograniczeń, na licencji CC BY-SA</strong>.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Źródła prac, cykl wydawniczy, <br /></strong>Polish Journal of Agronomy, utworzony w 2009 roku, jest kontynuacją Pamiętnika Puławskiego, wydawanego od 1961 roku. Czasopismo jest otwarte dla wszystkich autorów, również zagranicznych.<br />W latach 2010–2022 Polish Journal of Agronomy był kwartalnikiem. Obecnie czasopismo przechodzi na ciągły system publikowania artykułów w wersji elektronicznej, od razu po ich ostatecznej akceptacji (tzw. open volume). </p> <p><strong>Języki publikacji</strong></p> <p>Artykuły w PJA są publikowane w języku angielskim. Artykuły, których co najmniej jeden autor jest Polakiem, zawierają dodatkowo tytuł, abstrakt i słowa kluczowe w języku polskim (od 2023 r.).<br />W wyjątkowych przypadkach, np. na potrzeby rozliczeń projektowych, w PJA mogą być, oprócz pełnej wersji angielskiej, publikowane całe artykuły w języku polskim. Taka opcja wymaga wcześniejszej zgody redakcji.</p> <p><strong>ISSN 2081-2787<br />eISSN 2956-9494</strong></p> <p><strong>DOI prefix 10.26114</strong></p> <p><strong>Wydawca:</strong></p> <p>Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy w Puławach, ul. Czartoryskich 8, 24-100 Puławy, POLSKA</p> <p><strong>Wskaźniki</strong></p> <p>Index Copernicus Value (ICV) w 2020 r. – 100,00<br />punkty MNiSW w wykazie z 2024 r. – 20</p> <p>Bazy literaturowe indeksujące PJA:<br />EBSCO<br />AGRIS<br />Chemical Abstracts service<br />AGRO<br />SIGŻ<br />Index Copernicus<br />bazy PBN<br />Biblioteka Nauki<br />Academica<br /><br /><a title="Regulamin konkursu" href="https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/38"><img src="https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/file/Konkurs2024ogłoszenie1polski.jpg" alt="Konkurs" width="444" height="283" /></a><br /><span style="font-size: small;"><br /></span></p> pl-PL <p>Autor udziela redakcji czasopisma Polish Journal of Agronomy (w skrócie: PJA) licencji niewyłącznej i nieodpłatnej na korzystanie z autorskich praw majątkowych do wersji papierowej/drukowanej i elektronicznej utworu Autora opublikowanego w PJA w kraju i za granicą, w całości lub w dowolnej części, w tym umieszczanie utworu w elektronicznych bazach/zbiorach danych lokalnych lub dostępnych w Internecie, przez czas nieograniczony na polach eksploatacji określonych w art. 50 ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych.</p> <p>Prace wydane w Polish Journal of Agronomy są udostępniane na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 (CC-BY-SA).</p> aboch@iung.pulawy.pl (Alina Bochniarz) aboch@iung.pulawy.pl (Alina Bochniarz) Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Management of nutrients derived from natural fertilizers (manures) in the Polish agriculture – selected issues https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/241 <p>The paper presents selected issues of managing nutrients from natural fertilizers used in Polish agriculture. The analysis covered changes in the livestock population and stocking density, the number and share of farms using natural fertilization, fertilized area and the level of consumption of particular nutrients from manures. Spatial analysis was carried out at the level of voivodeships (NUTS-2) and concerned the determination of the amount of nutrient from natural fertilizers in 2017–2020. The presented results indicate that the level of stocking density has the greatest impact on regional differences in the management of natural fertilizers. This diversity is also manifested in the share of farms using natural fertilization in individual voivodeships. Natural fertilizers in Poland, mainly manure, are used on 27% of UAA in good agricultural and environmental condition (UAA in GAEC). The share of four voivodeships, ie Podlaskie, Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie and Mazowieckie, covers 55% of the total area fertilized with manures in the country. In the years 2017–2020, the average consumption of solid manure in the country was44.3 million t, poultry manure 0.9 million t, liquid manure8.0 million m3 and slurry 14.6 million m3. The highest intensity of natural fertilization was found in the Podlaskie voivodeship, the average consumption was 11.4 t ha-1 of all agricultural land, while in Poland the average consumption was estimated at4.6 t ha-1 of UAA in GAEC. The highest doses per fertilized area were applied in the Podlaskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Lubelskie, Lubuskie and Pomorskie voivodeships and it was directly related with the level of consumption of NPK from natural fertilizers in these voivodeships. In the analyzed period, the average doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied to the manures’ fertilized area in Poland were 87 kg N ha-1, 29 kg P2O5 ha-1,113 kg K2O ha-1, respectively. The highest nutrient consumption in natural fertilizers was observed in Podlaskie voivodeship. Based on the analyses, it can be concluded that the Podlaskie voivodeship is a leader in the intensity of natural fertilizer management in Poland.</p> Jerzy Kopiński, Damian Wach Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/241 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Factors determining the occurrence and number of bacteria of the genus Azotobacter in the soil environment https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/226 <p>Bacteria belonging to the genus Azotobacter are microorganisms commonly found in various soils all over the worldand capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. The biological ni-trogen fixation (BNF) process annually supplies approximately 140–170 million tons of this element to the nitrogen cycle, whichis of great importance from an ecological and practical point ofview. Although the efficiency of atmospheric nitrogen fixation byAzotobacter spp. is not high and amounts to 20 mg N per 1 gof glucose used, these bacteria are sensitive to various environ-mental factors, including soil reaction, contents of organic matter,soil humidity or nutrient content, and their abundance in soils issmall. These bacteria secrete numerous biologically active sub-stances into the soil environment, which have a beneficial effecton the development of plants, which from the ecological pointof view plays an important role in the functioning of agriculturalecosystems. An additional advantage of bacteria belonging to thegenus Azotobacter, which speaks for their use in agriculture, isthe ability to produce antifungal compounds and solubilization ofinsoluble phosphates. Research on Azotobacter spp. proves thatthe concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) is a significant factorwhich determines the presence of this group of bacteria in thesoil environment. Many other soil properties have a large impacton the presence and development of this important agriculturalgroup of bacteria. The aim of the work was to systematize the knowledge on theknown occurrence conditions and ecological relationships andinteractions between environmental factors and the presence andabundance of Azotobacter bacteria in soils.</p> Monika Kozieł Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/226 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of attitudes of local communities towards the creation of protected areas on the example of national parks in Austria and Germany https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/243 <p>The aim of this study was to present the attitudes of localcommunities in the process of creating a national park – a preciousnatural area with a high protection regime. The study takesinto account the actions of the authorities and legal regulationsconcerning, among other things, the possibility of agriculturaland economic activities in the park.The considerations were based on the presentation of thecases of the establishment of the Nationalpark Donau-Auen inAustria and the Nationalpark Schwarzwald in Germany. Amongothers, official documents, publications, reports, studies, onlineinformation (e.g. on websites) and legal acts concerning natureconservation and national parks were analysed.The factor that mobilised communities in the process of establishingthe two national parks was the decisions of the publicauthorities. The Donau-Auen Nationalpark is an example of effectivecommunity action in defence of nature. Its creation waspreceded, among other things, by the ‘Hainburg Aubsetz’ campaign,a community initiative demonstrating the importance ofnature conservation in Austria. The creation of the SchwarzwaldNationalpark, on the other hand, is an example of the NIMBY(not in my back yard) phenomenon, where the local communityaccepts nature conservation but opposes it when its rights are curtailed.The dialogue between the authorities and the public hasshown in both cases that awareness-raising activities on decisionsrelated to the creation of a protected area are necessary. The approvalof local communities in the creation of protected areas islinked to the expectation that these areas will provide social andeconomic benefits. The creation of a protected area can meanprofits for businesses in the area or a worsening of the living situationof landowners excluded from production, indicating a linkbetween nature conservation and living standards and poverty. Inthe cases discussed, there is no data on the level of poverty andits impact on the attitudes of local communities towards protectedareas. It seems important to carry out relevant research in thisregard in the future.</p> Małgorzata Szalast-Piwińska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/243 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Fungal community change in selected fluvisols under simulated flooding condition https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/245 <p>The soil mycobiome is an important part of the numerous biogeochemical processes taking place in the soil. Its activity and diversity are influenced by many factors, including soil moisture. In this study, the effect of a 14-day simulated flood on the mycobiome of three different Fluvisols in microcosm experiment was assessed using next-generation sequencing. The results obtained showed that excessive moisture alters the structure of the mycobiome and the amounts of pathogenic, parasitic, and endophytic fungi. Among others, an increase in the occurrence of saprotrophic fungi of the genera Trichoderma, Talaromyces, and Schizothecium was noted. At the same time, the study showeda decrease in the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from the phylum Glomeromycota and Mucoromycota as a result of flooding. In addition, the structure of the soil mycobiome has been shown to be closely related to soil type – statistically significant correlations of individual fungal genera with the clay and silt or sand content of the soil were obtained. Future research on the soil mycobiome under flooding conditions may help to understand changes in soil biogeochemical processes following flooding, the occurrence of which is increasing with climate change.</p> Karolina Furtak, Jarosław Grządziel Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/245 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of development time on phytochemical characteristics of red mizuna (Brassica rapa L. var. nipposinica) sprouts https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/247 <p>Germinating seeds constitute a natural source of substances that can be used to supplement food and increase its functionality. In this work, red mizuna (Brassica rapa L. var. nipposinica )in the form of sprouts was used as research materials. The main goal of this study was to investigate the effect of germination time on the phytochemical profile of health-promoting compounds in red mizuna sprouts. The metabolomic profile ofwater-methanol mizuna sprout extracts was analyzed by UPLCESI-MS/MS. In this work qualitative analysis of four mizunasprout extracts collected after 4, 6, 8 and 11 days after sowingwas carried out. Moreover, the phytochemical characterization ofred mizuna seeds before the sprouting process was undertaken. Thirty-nine compounds were interpreted and the fact of the variability of the qualitative profile over time was confirmed. This is the first report to provide information on the differences in the phytochemical profile between sprouts of red mizuna subjectedto the influence of germination time, in order to determine the harvesting and consumption maturity of the tested plant material.</p> Agata Soluch Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/247 Sun, 05 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Environmental safety aspects of using the digestate from an agricultural biogas plant https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/250 <p>This review aims to summarize research findings andprovide an up-to-date assessment of the current state of knowledgeon the environmental safety of digestate, including its effectson soil, crop yields and animal health. Topics covered include thepotential benefits and drawbacks of using digestate as a fertilizer.In recent years, the biogas industry in Europe has experiencedsignificant growth. Many countries are actively promoting biogasproduction as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsand achieve renewable energy targets. As a result, there has beena corresponding increase in the production of digestate remainingafter the anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Digestate isa source of growing concern due to its potential adverse effectson the environment, specifically concerning soil quality and therisk of nutrient runoff. A number of studies have been conductedin European countries to assess the safety of digestate for the environmentand identify ways to reduce its negative impact.</p> Agata Witorożec, Jerzy Kopiński, Marek Woźniak, Ewa Markowska-Strzemska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/250 Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of different variants of basalt-sulphur improver in the fertilisation of spring oilseed rape https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/248 <p>The aim of the research was to test of several variants of basalt-sulphur improver, differing in the ratio of the two components, and to select the most suitable one for oil seed rape. Basalt dust, which is a troublesome by-product of rock processing,and elemental sulphur were used to produce the improver. The study included 3 improver variants with 1, 1.5 and 2% S and a control treatment without an improver. The experiment was conducted in concreted microplots filled with two soils: sandy loam and loamy sand, in a split-block two-factor design, in 4 replicates. The most suitable variant for rapeseed was the variant containing 1.5% S, which resulted in a 12% increase in rapeseedyield on sandy loam. Moreover, for this variant, an increasein seed fat content, an increase in the bioavailable form of sulphurin the soil and an increase in the concentration of this nutrient inoilseed rape straw and seed were observed on both soils.</p> Ewa Stanisławska-Glubiak, Jolanta Korzeniowska, Mariusz Kucharski, Dominika Kufka Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/248 Fri, 01 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of cultivar and nitrogen fertilisation on grain and protein yield in sorghumtein yield in sorghum https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/249 <p>Sorghum is a cereal crop of major importance in global production. It is grown in hot and dry regions of the world. In Poland, this species has so far not been cultivated for grain due to unfavourable climatic conditions. Currently, climate warming and the extension of the growing season provide an opportunity to introduce sorghum into grain cultivation. Three grain sorghum cultivars Albanus, Anggy, GK Emese were used in the ongoing microplot trials and three different nitrogen rates were applied: 80, 100 and 120 kg ha-1. The research was conducted over two growing seasons. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of cultivar and level of nitrogen fertilisation on the yield, yield structure and grain protein content of sorghum. A differentiated response of cultivars to nitrogen fertilisation was shown. Albanus and Anggy cultivars have similar yield potential and reaction to nitrogen fertilisation, and the optimum nitrogen dose for the cultivars is 100 kg of nitrogen per hectare, and an increased dose does not significantly increase the yield. Regardless of the level of nitrogen fertilization, the GK Emese variety always showeda higher protein yield compared to the other tested sorghum varieties. The cultivar GK Emese showed the highest yield potential. In 2020 it exhibited the highest increase in grain and protein yield along to increase of nitrogen fertilisation.</p> Marcin Różewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/249 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Bioeconomy potential in Poland compared to EU countries https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/310 <p>The aim of the research was to assess the potential of the bioeconomy in Poland in comparison with the European Union countries. The research used an indicator of added value, the number of people employed and the value of turnover for individual sectors included in the bioeconomy. An analysis of the structure of indicators in Poland in 2020, compared to other EU countries, allowed us to determine the level of development of the country’s bioeconomy. The analysis shows that Poland isa leader in terms of employment in the EU bioeconomy. However, the assessment of potential in terms of added value and value of turnover in the bioeconomy placed Poland in fifth position. The reason for this is Poland’s characteristic fragmented agrarian structure and excessive employment in the agricultural sector. An opportunity to redress the imbalance is to obtain EU funding and support for research and innovation.</p> Zuznna Jarosz, Antoni Faber Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/310 Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The European Green Deal – challenges for agriculture and the agri-food sector https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/282 <p>Growing climate and environmental problems obligethe search for efficient business solutions. In December 2019, theEuropean Commission issued a communication on the EuropeanGreen Deal strategy, which set ambitious goals in the pursuit ofclimate neutrality in 2050.The presented study is based on a literature review and legalacts. It identifies the rationale behind the European Green Dealstrategy, its aims and objectives. It also presents the farm-to-forkstrategy, which is intended to contribute to a fair, healthy and environmentallyfriendly food system. The transformation will requirecommitted action from all actors in the food chain, includingagriculture and the agri-food sector. The challenges faced byagriculture and the food industry in achieving the objectives ofthe strategy have therefore been identified. An attempt was madeto answer the question of what actions should be initiated so thattheir implementation in agriculture and the agri-food sector contributesto improving the state of the environment and stabilizingthe climate. Great importance in this regard is attributed to theimplementation of mitigation practices.</p> Zuzanna Jarosz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/282 Sat, 25 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Possibilities of using Nicotiana species in breeding for virus resistance https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/309 <p>Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is an important industrial crop. Among the diseases causing losses in tobacco cultivation, viral ones are of particular importance due to the verylow effectiveness of chemical protection allowing only for vector control. The greatest threat to tobacco cultivation in Poland and in many countries of the world is posed by potato virus Y(PVY), tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and, in recent years, the increasingly frequent tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The geneticresources studies carried out in the genus Nicotiana haveshown a wide variation in species resistance, assessed biologically, serologically and molecularly, depending on the virus used and, in the case of PVY, also on the specific isolate. The results of the assessment of resistance in Nicotiana accessions presented in this paper, gathered from literature data as well as from our ownresearch, allow us to broaden and systematise our knowledge onthe sources of resistance to viral diseases. This is the only such anextensive study in this field. It provides an excellent information base for the appropriate selection of accessions for use in resistance breeding.</p> Anna Depta, Teresa Doroszewska, Anna Czubacka Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/309 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of methods for determining the LS index at different resolutions for soil erosion modeling using the RUSLE method https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/314 <p>This paper investigates the impact of Digital TerrainModel (DTM) resolution on the calculation of the sediment transportcapacity coefficient LS within the Bystra catchment, employingvarious methods through GIS software. The study focuses onthe significant role of GIS in environmental research and processmodeling, emphasizing the relevance of LS coefficient analysis inmorphometry, hydrology, and geomorphology, particularly in thecontext of agricultural soil erosion.The study presents results from calculating the sediment transportcapacity factor LS using three methods for different resolutions(1, 5, 10, 30, 90 meters). LS coefficient determination relies onthe catchment area map and slope map, the latter determined usingtwo methods. The catchment area considered is that of the BystraRiver, a right tributary of the Vistula, flowing through Nałęczów,Wąwolnica, Celejów, Bochotnica in the Lublin Province.Upon determining the LS coefficient, variations in results areobserved, dependent on the chosen method. The discussion sectionhighlights differences in LS coefficient maps based on resolutionand method, with notable distinctions in the north-westernpart for a 10-meter resolution.Analyzing LS coefficient maps at different resolutions, thestudy observes variations in results based on the method employed.Higher LS coefficient values are noted in the river channelfor a 1-meter resolution, attributed to factors such as river bedstructure, building rocks, terrain slope, and climate.The conclusions emphasize the use of specific methods fordetermining slope rasters and highlight the Desmet and Goversmethod as yielding smaller variances in LS coefficient determinationcompared to other methods. The study recommends DTMmodels with resolutions of 1, 5, and 10 meters for LS modeling,considering their beneficial influence on variance and resolution.In summary, this paper contributes valuable insights into theinfluence of DTM resolution on LS coefficient calculations, providinga nuanced understanding of the interplay between methods,resolution, and terrain characteristics in the context of sedimenttransport capacity.</p> Badora Damian, Wawer Rafał Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/314 Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Diversity of Nicotiana species https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/311 <p>The genus Nicotiana is one of the largest in the Solanaceae family and includes more than 80 species. The most well-known and widespread species of the genus Nicotiana is tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), within which there are numerous cultivars. Tobacco is one of the most important industrial plants in Poland and worldwide. The great diversity within the genus makes it an excellent source of variation in a narrowing gene pool and can be used in breeding programmes. Studies of Nicotiana species also concern mechanisms of polyploidisation and evolution. There are also model species within the genus. However, in order to make full use of the collected germplasm resources, a detailed knowledge of the collection materials is necessary. While there are various reports in the international literature describing specific issues, the aim of this paper is to indicate the diversity of species in the genus Nicotiana as a whole on the basis of our own research and available studies. This review covers the characterisation of the genus Nicotiana in terms of origin and geographical distribution, as well as cytogenetic and molecular differences between species. An important aspect is the presentation of the morphological diversity of Nicotiana accessions and the variation in the most important tobacco alkaloids. A very important issue is the resistance of Nicotiana species to bacterial, fungal and viral diseases, which allows their use in resistance breeding.</p> Anna Depta, Teresa Doroszewska Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/311 Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Genetic diversity of Azotobacter strains isolated from various soils of Poland https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/317 <p>Free living nitrogen fixing bacteria belonging to the genus <em>Azotobacter</em> are microorganisms commonly occurring in soil. The genus <em>Azotobacter</em> includes 8 species, with <em>Azotobacter chroococcum</em> most commonly inhabiting many soils all over the world. In this study, 56 strains were isolated from various soils of Poland, using dilution-pour plates method. Restriction analysis of the bacterial Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region was used for characterization and differentiation of the isolated strains. Restriction analysis of ITS region indicated that the studied isolates were not identical. Of the 56 tested strains, 36 were characterized by the same genotype in ITS-PCR/RFLP analyzes as the reference strains <em>A. chroococcum</em> DSM 281 and DSM 2286. For molecular identification of the isolates, the 16S rRNA gene was amplified using 27f and 1495r primers and PCR products were sequenced at Genomed S.A. in Warsaw. The 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses of the studied strains showed 98% to 100% similarity with <em>Azotobacter chroococcum </em>type strain deposited in Gen Bank database. These results indicate that the analyzed isolates from Polish soils belong to one species, namely <em>Azotobacter chroococcum.</em></p> Monika Kozieł, Adam Gałązka, Stefan Martyniuk Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/317 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Biochar usefulness in achieving goals of carbon farming and sustainable agricultural systems https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/327 <p>This paper presents an overview of the literature research on the benefits of biocarbon (biochar) as an important part of sustainable agriculture and carbon farming. The main objective was to familiarise the reader with the literature findings on the effects of biocarbon application on the environment, soil, soil organic mater, soil microorganisms, and impact on crop yields. On the basis of the research presented, it can be concluded that the incorporation of biocarbon into the soil generally has a positive effect on soil fertility, but that proper application is required (mainly its application together with fertilization). The quality, properties, and agricultural usefulness of the biochar depend on the raw material that has been subjected to the pyrolysis process, as well as the temperature and time of. The findings of the paper are based on the literature review on the subject.</p> Adam Kleofas Berbeć, Marta Wyzińska, Tytus Berbeć Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/327 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Potential of using digestate to regenerate soil and stimulate its biological life https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/246 <p>The future of humans and our planet, and food security, require innovative insights across many sectors of the economy (industry, agriculture, forestry, science and technology development). Reducing the use of chemicals, recycling carbon and recovering nutrients, caring for soil health, producing healthy food and adapting to climate change are the main challenges facing modern agriculture. The high proportion of soils low in organic matter, combined with manure shortages in some regions of Poland, poses a serious problem for maintaining the soil’s ability to perform productive and environmental functions. The use of selectively collected biodegradable waste, which contains significant amounts of organic matter, can be a key strategy for supplementing soil organic matter deficits. Green waste, kitchen waste, plant biomass produced in agriculture are valuable materials that, when processed through energy production,should become biofertilisers in line with the circular economy. Soil micro-organisms play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and participate in the circulation and provision of nutrients to plants. Their role also includes fixing atmospheric nitrogen, stabilising soil aggregates, participating in the formation of soil humus and detoxifying soil from harmful substances present in the soil environment. Research to date confirms that biogas plant digestate can be a valuable fertiliser and has the potential to restore soil biological quality. There are virtually no reports indicating a negative effect of the digestate on the biological quality of the soil, especially when using digestate from agricultural substrates. This fact indicates that the potential of digestate in soil regeneration is significant, given its effects on soil biology, soil carbon and nutrient provision, and soil structure. It is more difficult to assess the impact of the digestate on soil biodiversity, especially the structure of the microbial population, which is strongly dependent on a number of soil, climatic and crop influences. An important aspect this review is the presentation of research needs for the potential of using digestate to regenerate soil and stimulate its biological life.</p> Sylwia Siebielec, Grzegorz Siebielec, Małgorzata Woźniak Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/246 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An attempt to assess the usefulness of Google Scholar as a data source for entomological review papers on the example of the description of the biology of Anomala dubia (Scopoli, 1763) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/319 <p>Review papers, especially those with features of meta-analysis, are a valuable part of the scientific literature, both from the point of view of specialists and researchers seeking information in fields new to them. The basis of this type of publication is the proper selection of study sources. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of the Google Scholar search engine in the selection of material for review papers in entomology. The analysis was based on a sample assignment involving the characterisation of the beetle species Anomala dubia. Problems arising in using the retrieved resource were identified and assigned to selected categories. The search results included almost all relevant records from the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases, plus a number of potentially valuable publications from other sources. The collected material was not sufficient to characterise the studied species in detail, but this could also be due to the lack of digitalised data in the available literature resources.</p> Alina Bochniarz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/319 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adam Harasim, prof. dr hab. https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/315 Wiesław Oleszek, Mariusz Matyka, Stanisław Krasowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/315 Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prof. dr hab. Seweryn Kukuła https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/312 Wiesław Oleszek, Stanisław Krasowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en https://redakcjapja.iung.pl/index.php/pja/article/view/312 Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000