Author guidelines


The structure and content of the original paper

The title is supposed to fit the content of the work; it is not allowed to suggest an issue broader than the one covered in the article. If the subject of the dissertation is living organisms, their current Latin names should be included in the title.

The abstract (up to 200 words) should answer the questions: why the research was undertaken, what methods were used, and what results were obtained.

Keywords should include up to 6 keywords/phrases that have equivalents in the abstract and will allow the article to be searched effectively in databases.

The introduction is intended to present the background of the research. Whether anything is already known about the topic, the significance of the issue addressed, the hypothesis and the aim of the study.

The materials and methods should be described in such a way that the research can be reproduced. The following should be stated: what the location was, factors and experimental set-up, how the samples were taken, what parameters were determined, what methods, their modifications and standards were applied, what the data selection criteria were, and what the statistical processing of the results was.

The results are expected to include a description of the values and relationships obtained in the experiment and their statistical interpretation. In addition, tables and graphs can be included in this section.

The discussion is to present the interpretation of the results against the data obtained by other authors. It should include a reference to the hypothesis of the study.

Caution: The preferred structure is to separate the results and discussion. If authors combine mentioned above chapters, they are required to assure a clear separation of the results obtained in the discussed experiment and those given in the cited references.

Conclusions should contain precise and generalised results and must correspond to the aim of the research.

The literature references are to be compiled according to the recommended scheme. Each item of literature cited in the text is required to have an equivalent in the bibliography. All items from the bibliography must be mentioned in the paper.


The structure and content of the review paper

The title vividly identifies the review paper. If the article's subject is living organisms, their current Latin names should be included in the title.

The abstract (up to 200 words) is expected to justify the selection of the subject, a specification of the references employed and a brief description of the subsections' content.

Keywords ought to cover up to 6 keywords/phrases that have equivalents in the abstract and will allow the article to be searched effectively in databases.

The introduction is to provide background information on the topic under consideration, its significance and the aim of the paper.

The chapters headlined by the author have to follow a logical sequence and involve a critical analysis of information from literature references.

The summary should include a brief overview of issues already known and a presentation of topics yet to be explored.

The literature references are to be listed following the recommended scheme. Every item of literature cited in the text must have an equivalent in the bibliography. All items from the bibliography must be mentioned in the paper.