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Barbara Krochmal-Marczak
Barbara Sawicka


The study is based on surveys run in the Podkarpackie province. The aim of the interviews was to gather information on agrotech- nical methods used in organic potato farming. The survey shows that in order to achieve high yield and quality of tubers, owners of organic farms chose to cultivate mid-early potato varieties with high resistance to fungal diseases. To reduce weed infestation, they used optimal crop rotation and narrow-row cultivation. In order to protect crops from diseases and pests, they used nettle and tansy biological preparations. Most of the surveyed farmers reported low potato crop yield, which might have resulted from poor-quality self-reproduced seed potatoes

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How to Cite
Krochmal-Marczak, B. and Sawicka, B. 2016. AGROTECHNICAL METHODS IN POTATO CULTIVATION AS PERCEIVED BY ORGANIC FARM OWNERS IN THE PODKARPACIE REGION. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 26 (Dec. 2016), 56–65.