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Ryszard weber
Henryk Bujak
Kamila Nowosad
Edward Gacek
Ludwik Kotowicz


Variation in infestation rate of winter rye cultivars by the fun-
gus Puccinia recondita was analysed in the years 2011, 2012 and
2013. Post-Registration Variety Testing data were used for the
analysis. The plants were scored for infestation rate on a 9-point
scale (9 – healthy plants; 1 – 100% of leaf surface affected by dis-
ease). The following cultivars – Brasetto, Palazzo, Dańkowskie
Diament, Gonello and Dańkowskie Amber were included in theanalysis. The infestation rate varied significantly from year to
year and from site to site. Over the 3 years, at Naroczyce, the
winter rye cultivars showed consistently a higher infestation by
brown rust compared to that at the remaining sites. The analysis
of variance showed a significant interaction of cultivars by study
years and no interaction of cultivars by locations. Cv. Dańkowskie
Złote stood out among the other cultivars for its increased ability
to resist the population of Puccinia recondita

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How to Cite
weber, R., Bujak, H., Nowosad, K., Gacek, E. and Kotowicz, L. 2015. ANALySIS OF THE VARIABILITy OF INFECTION OF WINTER RyE CULTIVARS By THE FUNGUS PucciNia REcoNdita IN LOWER SILESIA. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 23 (Dec. 2015), 82–87. DOI: