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Adam Harasim


The paper presents the diversity of crop species that were grown in cattle and pig-raising farms, in mixed crop-li-vestock farms and in field-crop farms (with no livestock). The aim of the study was to access the effect of farm type on crop diversity. The data was collected in 2016–2018 in 48 farms lo-cated in the macroregion of Mazovia and Podlasie. Information on farms and crops on arable lands was obtained using a research questionnaire. It was found that the indicators of crop species diversity depended on the type of farm. The cattle farms had a large share of permanent grasslands in the structure of UAA and a large diversity of crop species. The crop structure of pig farms was dominated by cereals (80%), which significantly affected the species diversity of crops. Crop farms had low diversity of crop species on arable land. Species diversity in mixed farms reached intermediate values between those found in cattle and crop farms.

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How to Cite
Harasim, A. 2019. Diversity of crop species in various types of farms. Polish Journal of Agronomy. 38, 38 (Sep. 2019), 31–36. DOI: